Study-based*, high-quality products and broad product portfolio
Fette Pharma has a wide range of medical cannabis for various forms of application and indications. Currently, the product portfolio includes high-quality flowers and full-spectrum extracts. The offer of study-based products from Israel is based on Fette Pharma's bilateral cooperation with Cannbit, a traditional medical cannabis company.
The composition of different active ingredient concentrations offers treatment options with medical cannabis for a whole range of indications that have been tested in numerous studies. The basis for this is the intensive exchange between Fette Pharma and Cannbit with regard to special cannabis breeding, know-how and scientific expertise based on years of experience in the genetic research and development of medical cannabis.
Cannabis is assigned to Annex III of the Narcotics Act; therefore, no detailed information about the products may be given to the public and they may not be visually displayed and advertised.
Health professionals, on the other hand, are allowed to obtain information in the areas that are only accessible to physicians and pharmacists or to receive comprehensive advice on our products from our team of experts.
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RE:CANNIS by Fette Pharma
The new standard in medical cannabis therapy
- 50 years of pharmaceutical expertise from Fette Pharma stand for experience, reliability and trust
- High demands on research and development as well as production and logistics
Exclusive cooperation of Fette Pharma and Cannbit stands for proven** therapeutic efficacy:
- Cannabis strains with unique genetics, thanks to own studies with high therapeutic accuracy.
- 16 years of experience in cannabis research
- More than 35 clinical and preclinical studies
- More than 20 published studies
- Treatment experiences with > 40,000 patients
Status: 2021
Frankhauser M. Cannabis in der westlichen Medizin. In: Grotenhermen F (ed). Cannabis und Cannabinoide. Pharmakologie, Toxikologie und therapeutisches Potential. 2nd edition. Göttingen: Hans Huber 2004:57-71.
Gaoni Y, Mechlulam R. Isolation, structure, and partial synthesis of an active constituent of hashish. J Am Chem Soc 1964; 86:1646-7.
Ulrich, O. & Schneider-Stock, R. Endocannabinoide können mehr. 2005 (last visited on 30 June 2021).
Hoch E, Friemel CM, Schneider M. Cannabis: Potenzial und Risiko. Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoidsystem 2019. (last visited on 30 June 2021).
Freeman TP et al. Medicinal use of cannabis based products andcannabinoids. BMJ 2019;365:l1141 doi: 10.1136/bmj.l1141 . (last visited on 21 July 21).
Russo EB. Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects. British Journal of Pharmacology 2011;163:1344–1364. (last visited on 21 July 21)
Chouvy P-A. Cannabis cultivation in the world: heritages, trends and challenges. Echo Géo 2019. (last visited on 17 July 2021).
McPartland JM. Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica versus “Sativa” and “Indica”. 101-121. In: Chandra S., Lata H, ElSohly M. (eds) Cannabis sativa L. - Botany and Biotechnology. Springer 2017. (last visited on 17 July 2021).
BfArM: Änderungen in der Betäubungsmittelgesetzgebung: Änderungen 2017. (last visited on 05 July 2021).
BfArM: Bundesamt für Justiz. Verordnung über die Begleiterhebung nach § 31 Absatz 6 des Fünften Buches Sozialgesetzbuch. (last visited on 05 July 2021).
Grotenhermen F, Häußermann K. Cannabis. Verordnungshilfe für Ärzte. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart 2019.
Müller-Vahl K, Grotenhermen F. Cannabis und Cannabinoide in der Medizin. Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Berlin 2020.
Cannabis: Verordnungshilfe für Ärzte von Franjo Grotenhermen; Klaus Häußermann 2017; Verlag. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart – ISBN 10: 3804737595 – ISBN 13: 9783804737594
*RE:CANNIS preparations are the genetic advancements of the cannabis strains named in the studies.
**Relatedto the studies and data Cannbit can access through the acquisition of Tikun Olam Israel.